I/We hereby acknowledge the following risks that our child may be exposed to at camp including but not limited to:
✔ Animals (unpredictable or unexpected movement or behavior, germs, bacteria, manure, etc)
✔ Crafts (cutting, gluing, cooking)
✔ Outdoor Risks (Sun, Heat, Insects)
✔ Equipment such as Tractors, Rides & Farm Equipment
✔ Sporting & Play Activities (running, jumping, climbing, falling, tripping, throwing)
✔ Travel (Hayride to/from other destinations & activities on the farm)
It is my/our desire for our child(ren) to participate in the programs and activities offered at Green Acres Creamery and acknowledge this waiver will limit my future legal rights.
I/We agree to discuss personal safety and procedures related to the above noted risks with my
child(ren) prior to the start dates of the camp including managing personal health issues, allergies and medication, awareness and respect for animals, hygiene and hand washing procedures before eating and after touching animals, farm safety and avoidance of moving equipment, Sunscreen, hats & hydration, and respect for staff, following farm rules and making friends with others.
I/We hereby release, hold harmless and indemnify Green Acres Creamery LLC, owners Kevin and April Bond and all farm employees from all liability, loss, damage, death or injury claims however caused arising from my child's participation.
I/We assume all risks of participation voluntarily and acknowledge I/We may withdraw or limit our
child/children’s participation at any time from any activity. I/we assume responsibility to inquire, ask or discuss in advance the nature of any activity we wish to avoid and communicate that in advance.
I hereby give my consent and approval to Green Acres Creamery, LLC to
photograph or video my child in the context of the camp for promotional purposes and marketing
without obtaining further approval and without monetary compensation for such.